9400 Challenge to Emphasize a Full School Year of Meaningful Education for all Students

Special Programs Washington County School District: Revised 8-12-08

Table of Contents

1. Purpose
2. Policy
3. Procedure

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1. Purpose:

To provide each student the strongest basic academic instruction possible, and to have students on task and achieving at their maximum potential.

2. Policy:

Each school in the District will provide each student the strongest basic academic instruction possible and have students on task and achieving at their maximum potential by adherence to the procedures outlined in this policy.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Establish a schedule to maximize academic learning time: 

Each school is to establish a schedule to ensure that maximum time is allocated for every academic core subject each day. 

3.2. Actively engage students in academic learning and problem solving:

Teachers are to develop lesson plans which use direct instruction or other effective teaching techniques which actively engage students in academic learning and problem solving. Excessive worksheet and/or workbook activities disengage student learning and are discouraged. 

3.3. Continually monitor instructional process: 

Principals will assure that requirements of teacher's job description (p. 2-12 thru 2-14) are adhered to, and regularly provides teacher training about the "Scales for Effective Teaching," and all aspects of the teacher evaluation process (4-17). 

3.4. Provide quality teacher inservice training: 

Quality teacher inservice training should be provided which will have minimal impact on the regular teaching day. 

3.5. Final examinations: 

3.5.1. Schedule as close as possible to the end of the school year. 

3.5.2. Publish and post testing schedule so teachers, students, and parents know the schedule. 

3.5.3. Testing schedule should be standardized with the school. 

3.5.4. There should be a balance between too much and too little testing. 

3.6. Yearbook distribution and signing: 

3.6.1. Secondary Schools may hold the distribution and signing of yearbooks to no earlier than the evening of the next to the last day of school. 

3.6.2. The signing of yearbook schedule should create as little disruption as possible. 

3.7. Senior trip: Follow District policy. 

3.8. Book check-in:

3.8.1. Schedule as close to the end of the school year as possible.

3.8.2. Publish and post the book check-in schedule.

3.8.3. Separate book check in for students from entire class and teacher use of media center 

3.9. Field days:

3.9.1. Are they really needed?

3.9.2. Identify objectives and educational value for each activity.

3.9.3. Adequate public relations work should be done in advance. 

3.10. Videos: Follow District policy. 

3.11. Movies: Follow District policy. 

3.12. Early closing of media centers: 

3.12.1. While it may be necessary to check books in a few days earlier, media centers should not close until one day before school dismisses. 

3.12.2. Teachers should be able to use the media center until the last day. 

3.13. Following year's teacher assignment being given out before the current year is out: 

When assignments are given out, every effort should be made to not interfere with the present teaching assignment. 

3.14. Parties without an educational purpose: 

3.14.1. Are to be held at times other than the regular school day. 

3.14.2. Clear through school level administration prior to announcing it to the students and parents.

3.15. Activities which enhance the curriculum: 

Give special attention to all assemblies, classroom activities, celebrations, and treats to ensure that they are focusing on a specific purpose and as far as possible, related to the curriculum. It is suggested that a committee review contents of each assembly prior to the presentation. 

3.16. Family Involvement: 

3.16.1. School principals and teachers will work with their school's PTA to provide parents and family with suggestions to help ensure student success in school. 

3.16.2. Families are encouraged to be actively involved in their student's education at home and by volunteering at school.

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Distribution: Board Members, Superintendent, Associations, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators and Principals.