9200 Guidelines for Elementary Gifted and Talented Program

Special Programs Washington County School District

Table of Contents

1. Purpose
2. Policy
3. Procedure
4. How To Start A Program
5. Dates And Times Of Program
6. How A Student Signs Up For A Program

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1. Purpose:

To implement a program to meet the needs of gifted and talented students.

2. Policy:

Schools should develop strategies for serving the gifted and talented students at the individual school level, including who they are, what their needs are, who should instruct them, what kind of inservice training is needed for teachers, and what resources are available. Once these strategies are developed, then the school should proceed as planned. (01/12/88)

3. Procedure:

3.1. Schools should plan and implement a gifted and talented program that best meets the needs of the students on an individual school basis.

3.2. An organizational committee composed of the school administrator, faculty members, the PTA and/or community representatives should be formed to give input into the program. 

3.3. The Renzulli model concepts should be used. People trained in the model should be involved with inservice on an individual school basis, as requested by the committee. If more than one school desires to join together relative to the inservice instructor, etc., they may do so. 

3.4. Schools that develop a gifted and talented pool of instructors from the community and the school, are encouraged to share the pool with other schools where possible. 

3.5. Identification of students should include teacher nomination, school administered tests, standardized achievement tests, student interest and motivation, and an opportunity for individual student and parent nomination.

4. How To Start A Program

If a Gifted and Talented coach wants to start a program, he/she is to fill out the District form (available from each school principal) at least two weeks prior to the proposed starting date. The coach is to indicate whether the program will be: graded or non-graded (the program may cross school boundaries and grade lines); objectives of the program; student qualifications and/or prerequisites to enroll in the program, such as special training, skills, abilities, motivation, etc.; the number of students the program will enroll; where the program will be conducted; the school quarter in which the program will be conducted; method of student recruitment; materials, supplies, etc., students will need to participate in the program; and cost per student. The form will then be submitted to the school principal for his/her decision, and then submitted to the appropriate District office administrator for approval. If approved, the District will pay the Gifted and Talented coach a set fee for conducting the program. A final written program evaluation (form provided) is to be written by the Gifted and Talented coach and approved and signed by the principal upon the conclusion of the program and submitted to the appropriate District administrator.

5. Dates And Times Of Program

It is suggested that a program operate just once at each school during a year, with each program being the duration of a one quarter which coincides with the school calendar. It is also suggested that a program be conducted for 1 1/2 to 2 hours before or after regular school days on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Exceptions may be made to the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday schedule if it is determined to be in the best interest of a quality experience for the students. Also, the program may be conducted during the regular school day if it does not require any additional staff or unduly interrupt the on-going educational program. If it is conducted during the regular school day, no additional teacher pay can be given to teachers already under contract with the School District. Whatever arrangements are being proposed for the program, they must be stated in the program application and approved prior to the beginning of the program.

6. How A Student Signs Up For A Program

To sign up for a Gifted and Talented program, students are to obtain a registration form along with a program information sheet (copy of approved program) from the principal's office. Students are to take the form and information sheet home and review it with their parents. If their parents approved of their students' participation in the program, then the student and his/her parents sign the form and return it to the principal's office along with the required program fee (by a set date).

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Distribution: Board Members, Superintendent, Associations, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators and Principals.


1. School:________________________________________________________________

2. Quarter and dates of proposed program:_______________________________________

3. Program title: __________________________________________________________

4. Program objectives:______________________________________________________




5. Student qualifications to enroll:_____________________________________________



6. Location of proposed program: ____________________________________________

7. Grade level(s) involved (4-12 only): ________________________________________

8. Maximum number of students: ____________________________________________

9. Methods of student recruitment: ___________________________________________

10. Materials, supplies, etc. that students will need to participate: ____________________


11. Cost to be paid by each student: ___________________________________________

12. Gifted and Talented Coach making request:

Name: _________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

Telephone: _____________________________________

Qualifications for conducting program: ______________________________________



13. Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________

(Gifted and Talented Coach Making Request)

14. Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________

(Approving Principal)

15. Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________

(Approving District Administrator)



Student name: _____________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________


Telephone number: _________________ School: ____________________________

Grade in school (4-12 only): _________________________

Program applied for: _________________________________________________________

I have reviewed the program outline with my parents, and we agree that I meet the qualifications required to participate, and should be admitted into the program. I agree to abide by the program requirements to the best of my ability. Attached is my registration fee in the amount of $________________.

Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________

(Student Applicant)

Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________

(Parent or Guardian)

Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________

(Approved by Gifted and Talented Coach)

(Return form along with fee to the principal's office.)




(To be completed by Gifted and Talented Coach upon completion of program)

1. School: ____________________________________________________________

2. Program title: ___________________________________________________________

3. Program beginning date: __________________ Ending date: ____________________

4. Extent to which program objectives have been met:






5. Suggestions to improve the program in the future:






Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________

(Gifted and Talented Coach)

Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________
