The trip needs to be curriculum related and educationally sound with a focus to improve student achievement. Students who participate in activities are more likely to succeed academically.
Trips should be taken in as close as possible proximity to
the school. All overnight trips must be approved by appropriate administration. Students are expected to follow the same rules on the school
bus as they follow in school.
3.1. Definitions:
3.1.1. RESERVED: Definition deleted under midterm negotiated agreement dated 3/9/99.
3.1.2. RESERVED: Definition deleted under midterm negotiated agreement dated 3/9/99
3.1.3. Responsibilities of the bus driver: The
driver should not be in a position to supervise students. The advisor
has the responsibility of supervising students. Drivers must be aware of safety
issues with students. If students are not in compliance with safety guidelines,
the driver should make the advisor aware of it so that the problem can be
solved. The driver should not be making personal trips that add to the mileage
expense while working. The driver is the only person authorized to open the
under-storage bins and emergency exits except in the event of an actual
3.1.4. Responsibility of the advisor: A school advisor is present while students are on the bus and
is responsible for the welfare of the students while traveling. He/she had the
responsibility of making sure the students follow safety guidelines. It is the
advisor's responsibility, not the bus driver's, to correct students that are
out of line. Advisors should not be asking drivers to supervise students.. The
advisor should not ask the driver to go beyond travel indicated on the travel
request. The advisor should ensure that trash and extra items are removed from
the bus at the end of each trip
3.2. It is the school's responsibility to submit travel requests as described in School Procedures for Travel Requests (found on the home page).
3.3. Any request requiring District administrator approval for funding needs to be in 15 days prior to the trip. All other requests need to be in 10 days before the trip.
3.4. Field trips should not be scheduled during the first two weeks of school. Additionally, with the exception of senior activity trips, secondary field trips should not be scheduled during the last two weeks of school. (Neg. 5-15-00)
3.5. Written
permission should be received from parents allowing students to participate in
field trips.
3.6. Trips should have
a proper ratio of adults for supervision and group control. See Administrative Letter #68.
3.7. Senior
Trips. High schools will be
permitted one day a year to schedule a senior activity day.
3.8. Should the Board
or designee deem it necessary to cancel a trip due to unanticipated risk
factors after the trip has been booked, it will not be responsible for any
financial loss.
3.9. Elementary (K-7)
field trips shall be limited to 150 miles one way. No overnight trips are permitted. Exceptions must be approved by the Superintendent or
3.10. The coordinator of
District-scheduled events that require multiple school buses shall submit dates
of organized events to the Transportation Department prior to each school
year. This will create a blackout
day on the transportation calendar.
3.11. Coordinating Bus Rides. When requests are received from schools
to attend various functions, coordination of buses will be done on the District
level where two or more schools could be asked to travel in the same bus to the
same function.
3.12. Junior
varsity, sophomore, and freshman teams traveling independent of the varsity
will be restricted to region boundaries or 150-mile limit.
3.13. For traveling purposes, the
following locations will be considered region schools: Beaver, Canyon View,
Cedar City, Dixie, Enterprise, Hurricane, Kanab, Lincoln County, Moapa Valley,
Parowan, Pine View, Snow Canyon, Valley, Delta, and Virgin Valley.
3.14. Participation within region boundaries
established by the UHSAA is permissible.
3.15. Travel to clinics, camps, workshops, etc. will
not be subsidized by District funds.
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Distribution: Board Members, Superintendent, Associations, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators and Principals.
Form 1014-Field Trip Permission