7000-Scheduling Transportation Personnel 

Transportation Management Adopted 9-9-97; Revised 5-8-01 ; Revised 3-11-03; Revised 9-9-03; Revised 6-15-05; Revised 8-9-05; Revised 8-12-08

1. Purpose:

To establish a policy that is, consist, and predictable for bus route assignment.

2. Policy:

The District will award bus route contracts based on safe, and efficient criteria. The District may issue 180-day contracts for regular routes. Bus support for year-round school schedules will be managed with temporary addendum agreements for additional days necessary to support year-round schedules. Activity and extra runs will be assigned in a safe, and efficient manner. Normally activity and extra runs will not conflict with a regular AM or PM route.

3. Procedure:

The following procedure will apply to driver assignment:

3.1 Definitions:

Activity Bus Driver: Activity Bus Drivers have priority for assignment to extra bus runs. Activity Bus Drivers are employed for and assigned to extra bus runs; they do not have the opportunity to voluntarily decline or turn back runs at will. Under the direction of management, Activity Drivers are also required to perform substitute driver support. In accordance with District Policy Activity Bus Drivers are scheduled for no more than 35 hours in any workweek. All activity drivers, to include those with a guaranteed minimum salary, are compensated for hours worked (waiting and driving) at the activity driver scheduled rate. Activity Drivers are compensated at the regular bus driver rate for hours worked as a substitute.

Activity Driver Rate for Field Trips of Two Hours or Less: Drivers will receive a minimum salary equaling the product of two hours at the regular bus driver rate for all field trips of two hours or less.

Activity Drivers with a Guaranteed Minimum Salary: The guaranteed minimum salary (normally based on a set number of hours) is a guaranteed minimum salary amount only. The actual rate of pay for driving and approved waiting time is compensated at the activity driver salary rate. For example, while an activity driver may be guaranteed a minimum salary of $300.00 per week, all actual hours-worked are paid at the appropriate activity driver rate and step. Thus, if the actual hours worked equals 35 hours during the workweek the total salary will be 35 X $9.86 {e.g. step 3 of the activity driver 98/99 schedule} = $345.10. Likewise, if actual hours worked equals 24 the salary of 24 X $9.86 = $236.64 is less than the minimum $300.00 and the employee will receive $300.00.

Benefited Personnel: Has the meaning given that term in District Policy 1200. (6-14-05)

Non-Benefited Personnel:.Has the meaning given that term in District Policy 1200. (6-14-05)

Extra Runs: Field Trip and Activity Trip runs

Kindergarten Routes: Routes scheduled to support movement of students to and form school during midday hours that do not conflict with regular routes.

Proxy: An employee given authorization to act in behalf of another employee for bid purposes only.

Regular Routes: AM/PM Routes scheduled to support movement of students to and from school. This definition excludes designated special education routes.

Special Education School Bus Driver: A bus driver that is assigned a contract to drive a bus designated to transport students with unique needs and disabilities. This definition excludes a driver who transports students with special needs assigned to a regular route.

Substitute Driver: Has the meaning given the term "substitute employee" in District Policy 1100.

Temporary Driver: Has the meaning given the term "One-year/Temporary Employees" in District Policy 1100.

Superintendent Designee: An employee given the authority to act in behalf of the Superintendent. The designee must not be the immediate supervisor of an employee to whom a decision or action is related.

3.2. Qualifications for Bus Drivers:

3.2.1. Must have the appropriate Commercial Drivers License (CDL), State of Utah certification, pass the District written test, driving skills test, complete accident training, and pass the State-mandated physical assessment.

3.2.2. Must have an adequate driving and safety record. The following items in addition to others may be considered as a basis for an inadequate record: violations of district policy, inadequate evaluations, traffic citations, accidents, or validated parent or citizen complaints.

3.2.3. Must have satisfactory conduct. Safety and the welfare of the students are extremely critical. Conduct must be considered "adequate" for bus route assignment. An employee with inadequate conduct will not be allowed to bid for routes under open or closed bid procedures for one year from the date the inadequate rating is received. Depending on the level and nature of the "inadequate" rating, drivers may be assigned to a different route. Drivers may, also, be subject to loss of benefits. Sustained inadequate conduct and/or safety violations will result in disciplinary action to include suspension and/or removal in accordance with district policy. Conduct expectations will be explained at a group meeting prior to the start of the contract year. Evaluation of conduct will be based on:

Remote observation,

Direct passenger participation,

Validated feedback from other drivers and the public.

Record of tickets, accidents, complaints contained in the state Motor Vehicle Report (MVR), or other substantiated complaints.

"Inadequate" discrepancies will be explained to the driver with expectations for improved conduct. Drivers must have completed six months of successful continuous substitute employment of 20 hours per week or more to be eligible for placement into a temporary bus driver position. Drivers must be assigned to a temporary drive position to be eligible to interview for a bid number.

3.3. Regular Route Assignment.

3.3.1. Eligibility for Assignment: Drivers with bid numbers will receive route assignment based on the following criteria, listed in priority order: Satisfactory conduct as described in 3.2.3. Location of route and compatibility with other routes, such as kindergarten routes. The district will consider the distance, cost, and bus parking needs for the safe and efficient operation of each route. Driver Route Preference will be considered for assignment. The District will conduct open bid one time a year to allow drivers the opportunity to identify preference. Drivers who cannot be present or would like to identify preference by closed bid may do so in writing (see Closed Bid Driver Preference Application WCSD Form 1024) if submitted three (3) days before the open bid date. Closed bid preferences will be considered during the open bid process. Drivers may also,have a representative, by proxy, identify preference during the open bid, such proxy must be in writing.

3.3.2. Driver Seniority is identified by a bid number. Smaller bid numbers represent more seniority for the bid process. Drivers are competitively selected for bid numbers. Numbers are given in the order of selection.

3.3.3. Provisional contracts are issued by successfully obtaining a contract during the bid process.

3.3.4. Drivers with adequate performance who wish to remain in their current assigned route may do so. Routes retained by drivers under this condition will not be open for bid, likewise, drivers will not be allowed to participate in the bid process. Drivers may not "reserve" their routes until they see the outcome of the bidding process. Drivers who would like the opportunity to bid for another route must identify their intentions and turn in their current route at least seven (7) days before the open bid in order to participate.

3.3.5. Drivers who are involuntarily affected by a reduction in contract hours, resulting in a loss of benefits, will be placed according to District Policy 1110, Reduction-in-Force.

3.3.6. After priority consideration of adversely affected employees in accordance with District Policy 1110, routes that are vacated or newly established may be at the discretion of the Transportation Supervisor, by assignment as a regular run, used as a training run, or staffed with a substitute driver. Vacated or newly established routes considered "regular routes" may be up for bid at the next open bid session.

3.3.7. The Superintendent or Designee may grant exceptions to any of the procedures listed in 3.3 if clearly documented in writing and justified as critical for the continuation of bus service to the District.

3.4. Special Consideration for extra bus runs:

3.4.1. In addition to the requirements of 3.1, Drivers must have the following qualifications to be assigned extra bus runs: Satisfactory Performance Rating Log Book Training 100 hours of bus driving service before driving "in county" 200 hours of bus driving service before driving "out-of-town"

3.4.2. Driver Priority for assignment of extra bus runs. The District retains the right to assign extra bus runs as safely, efficiently and effectively as possible, (ie: assigning the nearest available bus to a run).  Activity Bus Drivers will have first priority for an extra run. If an activity bus driver's run is canceled, runs assigned to other drivers will be redirected/rescheduled for activity drivers in order to maintain their weekly minimum hourly schedule. The scheduler will bump the next available substitute off of the extra bus run schedule and assign the displaced activity bus driver to the assignment. In the event the activity bus drivers cannot be assigned a run it will be assigned as follows: Assignment of an extra bus run must not conflict with a driver's contracted schedule. Assignment of extra bus runs will not be made if the total contract hours and expected extra run hours will exceed 35 hours in a workweek, exceptions to the above procedure must be approved by the Transportation supervisor. After consideration of activity drivers and drivers eligible for priority consideration, all qualified drivers, will receive consideration for extra bus runs, if they are in attendance at the weekly assignment meeting or have a proxy in attendance. All activity contract drivers are assigned runs as a condition of employment and have no option to voluntarily decline a bus run outside the DOT rules and extreme emergencies. Activity drivers must fill available hours with overnight and extended runs before any run of shorter duration is considered.

3.4.3. Extra Run Assignment. Qualified activity drivers will have the first priority for assignment. Contract drivers (with contracts up to 33 hours) will have priority for two-hour runs. All other drivers will have final priority for assignment in rotation order by last name of driver.

3.4.4. When possible runs will be assigned at least 7 to 14 days in advance.

3.4.5. Drivers are not permitted to switch bus runs with other drivers. The Transportation Supervisor or designee will handle reassignment of bus trips.

3.4.6. Contracted Activity bus drivers are assigned runs as a condition of employment and have no option to voluntarily decline a bus run outside of DOT rules and extreme emergencies.

3.4.7. The District Transportation Administrator may waive the above assignment priority order to directly assign a Driver who desires to volunteer his/her service without compensation when his/her child is a passenger and participant in the activity supported by the extra bus run (Reference FLSA letter 2004-6).  The volunteer Driver may ONLY receive reimbursement for expenses related to the activity such as per diem and lodging.  No other compensation is allowed.

3.5. Work will be assigned to substitutes based on conduct, qualifications, and availability.

3.6. Special Education School Bus Driver positions are assigned as directed by management, normally utilizing an interview/selection process. To be eligible for consideration, drivers must meet all applicable requirements to include all requirements of paragraph 3.2. Additionally, candidates must be willing to complete all required and/or necessary Special Education School Bus Driver Training.

3.7. Activity driver positions are assigned as directed by management, normally utilizing an interview/selection process. To be eligible for consideration, drivers must meet all applicable requirements of paragraphs 3.2 and 3.4. Additionally, candidates must be willing to complete all required and/or necessary activity/field trip school bus driver training. (9-9-03)

Attachment -Form 1024 -Closed Bid, Driver Preference


Distribution: Board Members, Administrators, School Principals, District Counsel, Classified Association, Certified Association