- 2.1. Computer inventory maintenance is to comply with government auditing standards to
- avoid penalty and reduction in State funding.
- 2.3. Computer inventory is not to be altered, removed, or destroyed without appropriate
- District Technology Office approval.
- 2.4. Computer Inventory is not to be loaned or rented without appropriate Principal or
- District Office approval. (See section 5200-3.8 of District policy.)
- 2.5. Computer inventory purchased with categorical funds for special programs is not to
- be transferred outside the program area without District Department approval.
- 2.6. A complete computer inventory of all schools and District Office is to be done each
- school year to verify inventory accuracy. This is to include all computers, monitors,
- and printers.
- 3.1.. Definitions
- 3.1.1. Mini-labs means computers set up in a classroom for student us.
- 3.1.2. Useful life means computers that meet requirements to support the operating
- system, attached peripherals, and software supported by the District Technology
- Office as outlined in the District Technology Office Hardware Requirements
- document.
- 3.2.. Acquisition
- 3.2.1. Approval for the purchase of computer technology must be acquired by the
- District Technology Office for all computer technology supported by the District
- Technology Office.
- 3.2.2. Equipment donated to the District or schools must meet specific requirements as
- outlined in the current Hardware Requirements document maintained at the
- District Technology Office.
- 3.2.3. Requirements A detailed description of hardware requirements is updated yearly
- and provided by the District Technology Office for all acquisition of computer
- equipment.
- 3.3. Support, Repair, and Maintenance
- 3.3.1. All computer equipment in need of support and/or repair must be reported to the
- District Technology Office through the District Tech Request process
- 3.3.2. The District Technology Repair Shop will support and repair all computers that
- meet criteria for hardware requirements as outlined in the Hardware
- Requirements document, and
- 3.3.3. Equipment submitted for repair must meet the guidelines outlined in the
- Hardware Repair Procedures and Guidelines document which will be updated
- yearly.
- 3.5. Mini-labs. There is a set of criteria for the installation and support of mini-labs. The
- criteria document is maintained by the District Technology Office and kept on the
- District Technology Web site.
- 3.6. Transferring
- 3.6.1. Information regarding the transfer of computers within a school will be
- maintained by the school inventory person, and that information must also be sent
- to the District Technology Inventory Manager.
- 3.6.2. Transferring computers from one school to another should only occur with the
- permission of the District Technology Office and a building level administrator.
- 3.6.3. Any transfer of equipment must be recorded on the Technology Transfer or
- Discard Form 630 and a copy of the form must be given to each Principal,
- inventory management person and a copy sent to the District Technology Office.
- 3.7. Discarding
- 3.7.1. Equipment may be discarded if (1) it is no longer supported by the District
- Technology Repair shop as outlined in the current Hardware Repair Procedures
- and Guidelines document, and (2) if it has reached the end of its useful life.
- 3.7.2. The Technology Transfer or Discard Form 630 must be completed for all
- computer technology being discarded and a copy of the form must be given to the
- principal, inventory management person and a copy sent to the District
- Technology Office.
- 3.7.3. The District Technology Inventory Manager must be contacted before discarding
- any equipment for instructions on how to discard the equipment.
- 3.8. Turning Over Discarded Equipment to Qualified Students
- 3.8.1. Computer technology can be given away to students who qualify if it meets the
- following criteria: (1) the equipment has gone through the discard process; (2) the
- hard drive has been reformatted and the operating system placed back on the
- computer; (3) an open source office software product has been placed on the
- computer; and (4) computers are given away to qualifying students on a first-come-
- first-serve basis.
- 3.8.2. Computers may be given to students who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
- 3.8.3. Students and parents must sign Discarded Computer Agreement Form 632.