6200 Computer Acquisition, Inventory Management, and Maintenance

Computer Acquisition, Inventory Management and Maintenance, Washington County School District (Approved 12-14-2004)

1. Purpose

Inventory personnel and school principals (see section 5120-3 of District policy) are responsible
for tracking, monitoring, and safeguarding all inventory within the District. Tracking of all
inventory will increase accountability and avoid potential loss, replacement, and displacement.
However, computer inventory poses some special issues that require additional considerations
regarding inventory, management, and maintenance.
1.1. Computers generally have a shorter useful lifetime than many other resources managed
by the schools and District.
1.2. As computers age, the types of uses for particular machines change.
1.3. Computers are often moved within the schools and in many cases from school to
1.4. The large number of computers present problems with:
1.4.1. Identifying specific computers
1.4.2. Storing computers of questionable use
1.4.3. Maintenance, repair, and updating machines
1.4.4. Reassigning computers to different locations
1.4.5. Keeping track of all the changes regarding condition, location, and status of the
1.4.6. Discarding machines at the end of their useful life cycle.
1.5. Requirements for maintenance and support on computers change yearly.
1.6. Regulations regarding the discarding of computers has become very dynamic.
1.7. District Technology personnel have the necessary expertise to make judgments with
regard to the usefulness of the computer technology.
It is for these reasons that a separate policy governing the management of computer technology is
necessary. Therefore, technology personnel must be responsible in tracking, monitoring, and safeguarding the computer technology inventory. Technology personnel are also responsible for determining the usefulness of each computer system and when each system should be discarded.

2. Policy

2.1. Computer inventory maintenance is to comply with government auditing standards to
avoid penalty and reduction in State funding.
2.3. Computer inventory is not to be altered, removed, or destroyed without appropriate
District Technology Office approval.
2.4. Computer Inventory is not to be loaned or rented without appropriate Principal or
District Office approval. (See section 5200-3.8 of District policy.)
2.5. Computer inventory purchased with categorical funds for special programs is not to
be transferred outside the program area without District Department approval.
2.6. A complete computer inventory of all schools and District Office is to be done each
school year to verify inventory accuracy. This is to include all computers, monitors,
and printers.

3. Procedures

3.1.. Definitions
3.1.1. Mini-labs means computers set up in a classroom for student us.
3.1.2. Useful life means computers that meet requirements to support the operating
system, attached peripherals, and software supported by the District Technology
Office as outlined in the District Technology Office Hardware Requirements


3.2.. Acquisition
3.2.1. Approval for the purchase of computer technology must be acquired by the
District Technology Office for all computer technology supported by the District
Technology Office.
3.2.2. Equipment donated to the District or schools must meet specific requirements as
outlined in the current Hardware Requirements document maintained at the
District Technology Office.
3.2.3. Requirements A detailed description of hardware requirements is updated yearly
and provided by the District Technology Office for all acquisition of computer
3.3. Support, Repair, and Maintenance
3.3.1. All computer equipment in need of support and/or repair must be reported to the
District Technology Office through the District Tech Request process
3.3.2. The District Technology Repair Shop will support and repair all computers that
meet criteria for hardware requirements as outlined in the Hardware
Requirements document, and
3.3.3. Equipment submitted for repair must meet the guidelines outlined in the
Hardware Repair Procedures and Guidelines document which will be updated
3.5. Mini-labs. There is a set of criteria for the installation and support of mini-labs. The
criteria document is maintained by the District Technology Office and kept on the
District Technology Web site.
3.6. Transferring
3.6.1. Information regarding the transfer of computers within a school will be
maintained by the school inventory person, and that information must also be sent
to the District Technology Inventory Manager.
3.6.2. Transferring computers from one school to another should only occur with the
permission of the District Technology Office and a building level administrator.
3.6.3. Any transfer of equipment must be recorded on the Technology Transfer or
Discard Form 630 and a copy of the form must be given to each Principal,
inventory management person and a copy sent to the District Technology Office.
3.7. Discarding
3.7.1. Equipment may be discarded if (1) it is no longer supported by the District
Technology Repair shop as outlined in the current Hardware Repair Procedures
and Guidelines document, and (2) if it has reached the end of its useful life.
3.7.2. The Technology Transfer or Discard Form 630 must be completed for all
computer technology being discarded and a copy of the form must be given to the
principal, inventory management person and a copy sent to the District
Technology Office.
3.7.3. The District Technology Inventory Manager must be contacted before discarding
any equipment for instructions on how to discard the equipment.
3.8. Turning Over Discarded Equipment to Qualified Students
3.8.1. Computer technology can be given away to students who qualify if it meets the
following criteria: (1) the equipment has gone through the discard process; (2) the
hard drive has been reformatted and the operating system placed back on the
computer; (3) an open source office software product has been placed on the
computer; and (4) computers are given away to qualifying students on a first-come-
first-serve basis.
3.8.2. Computers may be given to students who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
3.8.3. Students and parents must sign Discarded Computer Agreement Form 632.