Activities Management Washington County School District - Adopted 8-79
- 1. Purpose
- 2. Policy
- 3. Procedure
- 3.1. Student Produced Entertainment
- 3.2. Eligibility Requirements
- 3.3. Athletic Permit
To establish guidelines for the student activity program.
2.1. All schools with grades above the sixth are encouraged to develop and execute a reasonably extensive intramural program of sports as an integral part of the physical education course of study.2.1.1. Inter-scholastic athletic competition between schools on the middle school level, should be on a limited basis.2.1.2. Middle school activities in which two or more schools participate jointly, may be developed and planned by the principals and physical education teachers. These meets shall be subject to approval by the Superintendent.
2.1.3. Accident insurance is vital wherever large groups of students assemble. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility for each teacher to acquaint parents and children with the school child accident insurance program.
3.1. Student Produced Entertainments
3.1.1. Schools should be encouraged to develop student-produced entertainments of a highly cultural and educational nature.3.1.2. Whenever possible, these entertainments should be presented to students, patrons and the public free of charge.
3.1.3. Schools may charge student activity fees to students at the time of registration for financing student activities upon the annual approval of the Board of Education.
3.2. Eligibility Requirements: In order for students to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities in the Washington County School District, students must meet the following eligibility requirements:
3.2.1. An individual must be a full-time student in order to be eligible to represent his/her school. No student shall be eligible to represent his/her school if he/she is failing in more than one subject at the time eligibility is determined. For purposes of this section, the term "failing" shall mean that the student is entitled at that time to a grade not higher than "F." Any multi-period class failure will be credited with the number of failures equal to the number of periods in the class. Where a student has failed to meet the minimum requirements set forth above, he/she shall also be ineligible for participation in extra-curricular activities in the succeeding grading period in which the student is enrolled. This requirement does not apply to those who are entering high school for the first time, having been duly promoted from the grade below.3.2.2. When grades are recorded they are final, unless in fact, a mistake in reporting or calculating the grade has been made. All considerations, fulfillment of extra work assignments, etc., should have been taken care of prior to the recording of the grade. Incompletes should be avoided as much as possible, and should only be given in special extenuating circumstances. Incompletes must be resolved by the end of the succeeding term or the incomplete reverts to a failing grade.
3.2.3. If a student is truant the week of an activity, he/she will not be eligible to be a participant in extra-curricular activities for that week.
3.3. Athletic Permit and Athletic Accident Benefit Plan
3.3.1. No student shall be permitted to engage in competitive inter-school athletics without the written consent of the student's parent or guardian.3.3.2. The principal of each high school shall see that all athletes are covered by accident insurance for activities approved by the Washington County Board of Education.
Distribution: Board Members, Superintendent, Associations, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators and Principals.