2320 Medication Administration for Students

Health/Safety/Welfare Washington County School District-Adopted 9-9-03; revised 10-12-04

1. Purpose:

To establish policy and procedures for the safe administration of medication to students and self-administration of medication by a student during school hours in accordance with Utah law 53A-11-601.

2. Policy:

2.1. The Washington County School District will provide training by district nurses, and other health professionals when deemed necessary, to authorized personnel for safe administration of medication as prescribed by the student's physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant for the purpose of maintaining student health during school hours.

2.2. The Washington County School District will permit a student to keep medication in his/her possession and to self administer medication as prescribed by the student's physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant for the purpose of maintaining student health during school hours, as long as all District forms have been completed.

2.3. The Washington County School District has the right to refuse a request for medication administration.

2.4. The authorized personnel cannot be held liable for adverse reactions suffered by the student after administering the medication as prescribed.

2.4.1. The authorized personnel cannot be held liable for being unable to administer the medication when:

3. Procedure:

3.1. The Washington County School Board has consulted with the Department of Health and other appropriate health professionals and adopted policies that provide for the delegation of medication administration by the district nurses to trained school personnel.
3.1.1. Medication cannot be administered by personnel until they have received the training and have signed a Medication Administration Training and Delegation Form 350 from a District nurse.

3.2. The authorized personnel will provide the parent /guardian with a copy of the Washington County School District Policy 2320, a Medication Administration Authorization Form 351, and a Permission to Release Health Records Form 352.

3.2.1. These forms must be filled out accurately by the parent/guardian and the student's prescribing practitioner before the medication(s) can be administered, or before the student can self-administer medication, and will contain:

3.2.2. The authorized personnel will then fax the District nurse a copy of the completed Form 351 and 352 for review and development of an individualized health care plan, when necessary.

3.3. The medication must be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian or responsible adult in the original pharmacy-labeled, or manufacturer's container if over-the-counter, where it will be placed in a locked unit for safe keeping. Medications that have been prescribed to be self administered will be kept with the child.

3.3.1. Medications must be left in and dispensed from the properly labeled containers.

3.3.2. Any changes in medications void the original request, and the process must be started over again as above.

3.4. Documentation will be completed promptly for all medications administered on the Individual Student Medication Calendar Form 353.

3.4.1. If an error occurs or problems are encountered in medication administration, an Incident Report Form 354, will be filled out by the authorized personnel, reported to the principal, the parent, the prescribing practitioner when needed, and faxed to the school nurse.

3.4.2. Emergency care will be provided promptly and in accordance to consultation with the parent/guardian and health professionals.

3.5. Strict adherence to these procedures will be applied with no exception to keep within the bounds of safe medication administration practices.

Distribution: Board Members, Superintendent, Associations, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators and Principals.


Form 350-Medication Administration (Guide)
Form 351-Medication Administration Authorization
Form 342-Multiple Medication Administration Authorization
Form 352-Permission to Release Health Records
Form 353-Individual Student Medication Calendar
Form 354-Medication Incident Report