1432 Educator Evaluation

Washington County School District-Approved 3-9-04; 5-8-07; 3-18-08; Revised 8-12-08

1. Purpose:

The purpose of the formal educator evaluation system of the Washington County School District (referred to as District in this policy) is to insure that the best possible instruction and learning are accomplished and to provide feedback to the educator in order to promote professional growth in conjunction with the educator's plan for professional development. The evaluation process is also intended to establish behaviors that contribute to student progress.

2. Policy

The Washington County School District Board of Education understands the importance of guaranteeing that every child has an effective educator. Research shows that educator quality affects student achievement greater than any other school based variable. The No Child Left Behind Act requires a "highly qualified" educator in every classroom by the 2005-2006 school year and achievement gains by all students over time. It is the policy of the Washington County School District to focus on preparing, recruiting, and retaining quality educators as primary strategies to boost academic achievement. By linking educator evaluation with academic standards for students and professional standards for educators, the District intends to transform educator evaluation into a more effective tool for improving instructional practice and raising student achievement.

3. Procedure for Educator Evaluation:

3.1. References/Definitions:
3.1.1. "Level 1 license" means a license issued by the Utah State Office of Education upon completion of an approved preparation program or an alternative preparation program, or pursuant to an agreement under the NASDTEC Interstate Contract, to applicants who have also met ancillary requirements established by law or rule.

3.1.2. "Career Educators" has the meaning given that term in District Policy 1100-3.1.2. http://www2.washk12.org/policy/1000/1100_filling_positions.htm

3.1.3. "Consolidated Student Success Plan" and "Consolidated School Improvement Plan" (CSIP) have the meaning given the terms in District Policy 1920 http://www2.washk12.org/policy/1000/1920_student_success_plan.htm

3.1.4. "Entry Year" means an educator who holds a Level 1 license, an ARL license, a District specific license, or a temporary license.

3.1.5. "Educator" means any individual, except the Superintendent or employees assigned to the Administrative Salary Schedule, employed by the District who is required to hold a professional certificate issued by the State Board of Education. Educator does not include individuals who work less than three hours per day or who are hired for less than half of a school year.

3.1.6. "EYE" has the meaning given that term in Utah Administrative Rules: R277-522. Entry Years Enhancements (EYE) for Quality Teaching - Level 1 Utah Educators. http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/cert/other/EYE.htm

3.1.7. "INTASC" means Interstate New Educator Assessment and Support Consortium Standards http://www.ccsso.org

3.1.8. Utah Code 53A-10, Educator Evaluations http://www.le.state.ut.us/~code/TITLE53A/53A0B.htm

3.1.9. "NCLB" means No Child Left Behind Act, Public Law 107;110 dated Jan. 8, 2002, http://www.ed.gov/legislation/ESEA02/

3.1.10. "Provisional Educator" means all educators who are required to hold a certificate issued by the Utah State Office of Education shall be considered provisional educators for a period of three years. Provisional educators new to the District with three or more years of successful teaching experience elsewhere shall be considered provisional educators for a minimum of one year. Unless the provisional educator is specifically designated as a provisional educator in the year following the completion of the provisional period, the educator shall be considered a career educator.

3.1.11. "Temporary Educators" has the meaning given that term in District Policy 1100. While the EYE Educator Evaluation procedure is used to evaluate temporary educators, temporary educators serve at the will of the District and may be terminated at any time at the sole discretion of the District regardless of evaluation outcome.  Compliance or failure to comply with this policy will not provide an expectation of continued employment or provide additional rights for at-will or temporary educators.

3.1.12. "Designee" as it pertains to a principal's designee in this specific policy, is a District or school administrator holding an active administrative endorsement assigned to be paid from the administrative salary schedule, excluding staff developers.  This designation is not applicable to the Superintendent's designee.

3.1.13. "Evaluation Framework" means the District approved standards for educators and the accompanying descriptors pertaining to their current assignment, reference paragraph 3.8.

3.2. Educator Evaluation Training and Notification

3.2.1. The District will explain the evaluation process and provide comprehensive training and implementation guidance to principals, with follow-up training as needed. The assistant superintendents over secondary and elementary education will monitor and enforce compliance and intervene as necessary.

3.2.2. Principals will explain the evaluation process, provide a copy of the instrument to all assigned educators, and conduct a group meeting to explain the purpose of and answer questions about the evaluation process within thirty days of the start of school.  Evaluations may not occur prior to this teacher orientation.

3.2.3. Principals shall provide personal notice (verbal or written) to the educator of the evaluation process at least fifteen days prior to the first evaluation.  No notification is required after the first evaluation.

3.3. EYE Educator Evaluation

3.3.1. The following educators are subject to the EYE Educator Evaluation procedure: All Entry Year  Educators. All provisional educators. All educators with prior certified teaching experience and in their first year of teaching with the District. Educators with a level 1 license and three or more years of certified teaching experience who have no prior experience within the State will participate in the EYE 4 program. Educators with a level 2 or 3 license who have prior certified teaching experience within the State will participate in the EYE 4 program.

3.3.2.  Educators under this paragraph who are deemed by their principal or designee to need additional training beyond the one-year mandatory participation requirement will complete the entire EYE training as necessary regardless of employment status (provisional or career).

3.3.3. The EYE Educator Evaluation procedure is based on and subject to District and State Entry Years Enhancement (EYE) program requirements, activities, and evaluation procedures as outlined in the Consolidated Student Success Plan, Utah Administrative Rules, and District and State procedures.

3.3.4. The educator will complete the following critical components of the EYE program and District evaluation.  Failure to complete the EYE program may result in non-renewal of contract or termination: Attend Educator Induction/Orientation during their first year of employment. Work with a trained mentor and complete peer coaching activities. Achieve a score of 160 or higher on the Praxis II; Principles of Learning and Teaching test as required by State Administrative Rules. Compile a portfolio and successfully satisfy an administrative review. Successfully satisfy at least two EYE educator evaluations per year using the evaluation framework.  The principal or designee must complete one evaluation prior to December 1st and the second prior to March 1st for each EYE educator. The evaluation will focus on components of the evaluation framework that are consistent with the EYE training schedule or determined to be relevant by the principal in reviewing the educator's professional development progress. The evaluation instrument and summative findings are a major factor of consideration, but only one element of the total component of EYE participation. Obtain the recommendation of District administration for continued employment or license advancement.

3.4. Career Educator Professional Evaluation

3.4.1. Unless required to participate in the EYE evaluation process, all educators will participate in the Career Educator Professional Evaluation described in the following paragraphs.  

3.4.2. Professional Evaluation Conference (PEC) The principal or designee will complete at least two random evaluations prior to conducting a PEC.  Random evaluations may occur at any time; however, at least two will preferably be completed in the same contract year as the PEC. The principal or designee and educator will participate in a detailed formal professional evaluation conference every three years.  The District will assign educators an evaluation year based on the last digit of their social security number.  Administrators will evaluate career educators with social security numbers ending in 0, 1, 2, or 3, in year one, 4, 5, or 6, in year two and 7, 8, or 9 in year three.  The formal professional evaluation conference must occur prior to March 1st of the assigned contract year. The conference includes a discussion related to past performance, review of goals, consideration of the educator's self-assessment, random evaluations, and principal observations.  During the conference the principal and educator will consider evidence and analysis of professional development and performance reflected in the personal portfolio as appropriate. It also is intended to set future goals, develop a self-directed professional growth plan, and provide the opportunity for the principal and educator to agree on the elements from the evaluation framework that will be reviewed in the next evaluation cycle. As part of the evaluation tool, a copy of the notes, completed rubrics from the past years evaluation framework, and performance evidence will be retained by the principal in an automated format as appropriate.  Summative evaluation results will be electronically submitted to the District. If additional time or information is necessary to complete the formal evaluation beyond the time allocated for the professional review conference, principals shall complete the process and review evaluation findings with the educator within fifteen days after the professional review conference date. At the option of the principal, the formal evaluation process may be repeated more often than the three-year cycle.

3.5. Random Evaluation

3.5.1. At any time, the principal or designee may randomly and informally evaluate EYE or career educators and record observations using the applicable evaluation framework components.

3.5.2. The educator will be given a copy of the reviewed evaluation framework components and associated comments (or the electronic equivalent) within three working days of the random evaluation.  Only elements of the evaluation framework actually observed will be reviewed.

3.5.3. If the educator has any questions regarding the information identified on the evaluation framework, he or she may personally review it with the principal. Upon request, principals will schedule a meeting with the educator to discuss the observation within five working days of a request.

3.5.4. Principals may conduct an EYE Educator Evaluation or Career Educator Professional Evaluation based on observations, random evaluations, evaluation evidence, or related concerns with the educator at any time.

3.6. Annual Interview

The principal and teacher will participate in a formative and summative annual interview to review observed evaluation framework elements, the professional portfolio, self-evaluation and artifacts, student achievement, and educator professional development.  This interview may occur as part of the EYE Educator Evaluation or PEC.

3.7. District Evaluation:

3.7.1. The principal or designee will evaluate performance and develop appropriate evaluation tools using the applicable evaluation framework.  

3.7.2. A single rating of unsatisfactory on any evaluation framework component of the most recent EYE Educator Evaluation or Career Educator Professional Evaluation concluded in the school year prior to the year for which the adjustment is made will constitute a summative rating of less than satisfactory and subject the educator to a withholding of the most recent legislative allocated salary adjustment pursuant to UCA § 53A-17a-153 (4) c, and Administrative Rule R277-110.

3.7.3. The following events will subject the educator to an interim withholding of the most recent legislative salary adjustment until completion of the identified requirements regardless of evaluation results.

3.8. A sample of the domains and components of an evaluation framework are outlined below.  The actual components used are developed under the direction of the superintendent for educators, teachers on special assignment, special education teachers, or other certified employees as deemed appropriate to promote student achievement and effective instruction.

I. Planning and Preparation (Domain)

A. Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy (Component)

B. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

C. Selecting Instructional Goals

D. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

E. Designing Coherent Instruction

F. Assessing Student Learning

II. The Classroom Environment

A. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

B. Establishing a Culture for Learning

C. Managing Classroom Procedures

D. Managing Student Behavior

E. Organizing Physical Space

III. Instruction

A. Communicating Clearly and Accurately

B. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

C. Engaging Students in Learning

D. Providing Feedback to Students

E. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

IV. Professional Responsibilities

A. Reflecting on Teaching

B. Maintaining Accurate Records

C. Communicating with Families

D. Contributing to the School and District

E. Growing and Developing Professionally

F. Showing Professionalism

V.  Assessment (5-8-07)
          A. Assess Learning Goals

          B.  Use of Multiple Assessment Sources

          C.  Collaborative Use of Common Assessments

          D.  Communicate Feedback on Learning

3.9. Evaluation Evidence

3.9.1. Self Evaluation, completed Professional Development, and Portfolio Evidence

3.9.2. Parent feedback or expressed concerns

3.9.3. Peer feedback or expressed concerns

3.9.4. Student achievement

3.9.5. Administrative Observation, Evaluation, and Summary

3.9.6. Random Evaluations

3.10. Evaluation Feedback and Review

3.10.1. An educator whose performance is formally documented as less than satisfactory during a Career Educator Professional Evaluation shall be provided with a written document clearly identifying deficiencies, the available resources for improvement, and a recommended course of action that will improve the educator's performance.

3.10.2. The District shall provide the educator with reasonable assistance to improve performance.

3.10.3. An educator is responsible for improving performance by using the resources identified by the School District and demonstrating acceptable levels of improvement in the designated areas of deficiencies.

3.10.4. At least sixty days prior to the end of the contract school year, the principal, immediate supervisor, or appointed evaluator of an educator whose performance has been determined to be inadequate or in need of improvement shall complete all written evaluations and recommendations regarding the educator evaluated during the contract school year.

3.11. Educator Right to Respond

3.11.1. Educators shall have the right to make a written response within 10 days of the date of the evaluation feedback and review to all or any part of a formal evaluation. The response will be attached to the evaluation instrument.

3.12. Record Retention

3.12.1. An electronic or written copy of the completed formal evaluation instrument together with written responses, documents, or reports shall be retained by administration until no longer needed.

3.13. Review of Career Educator Professional Evaluation

3.13.1. A career educator who is not satisfied with a formal PEC evaluation has 30 days after receiving the written evaluation to request a review of the evaluation.

3.13.2. If a review is requested by a career educator, the District Superintendent or the superintendent's designee shall appoint a person, not an employee of the District, who has expertise in teacher or personnel evaluation to review and make recommendations to the Superintendent regarding the teacher's evaluation.

3.13.3. Nothing in this section prevents the teacher and District Superintendent or the superintendent's designee from agreeing to another method of review.

3.14. EYE Educator Evaluation for Provisional Educators

3.14.1. A provisional educator whose performance is determined to be unacceptable, inadequate, substandard, and/or unsatisfactory on the basis of the evaluation process described above shall be subject to non-renewal. Educators who are not given a non-renewal notice shall be required to remain on provisional status, subject to achieving satisfactory performance.

3.14.2. Failure to actively participate in the EYE program or satisfy the critical components of evaluation is considered a conduct violation of the employment agreement and may be used as the sole basis for non-renewal of a provisional contract.

3.14.3. The District shall provide notification of non-renewal of a provisional employee in accordance with District Policy 1450 and Utah Code 53A-8-104(4). Current District Policy 1450 and State Law (Subject to Change) requires notification at least sixty days before the end of the provisional employee's contract and allows the provisional employee to request an informal conference before the Board of Education or such other personnel as the Board may designate.

3.15. Nothing in this Policy shall prevent the District from taking appropriate disciplinary action for unacceptable conduct or other misconduct defined in District Policy 1450.