1431 Teacher Writing Assessment

Personnel - Washington County School District (Approved 2-8-00)

1. Purpose:

This Policy and Procedure is established to promote writing skills of teachers and students.

2. Policy:

2.1. The Washington County School District values excellence in writing. The ability to write professionally, clearly, and effectively is critically important to each student’s academic achievement. Successful teaching requires educators to embrace the skills they are attempting to nurture. All teachers are encouraged to develop strong writing skills.

2.2. Every educator should evaluate his or her writing ability and, as appropriate, include writing skill improvement as a basic element of their professional development plan. For this reason, as a condition of employment, all tentatively selected teachers are required to complete a writing assessment prior to appointment. The results of the assessment will be given to the principal. A poor assessment should generate further evaluation and may lead to the establishment of a writing improvement plan. Success in following the plan will be carefully considered and may be used as a basis for renewal or non-renewal of a contract.

3. Procedure:

3.1. Selection Process
3.1.1. As a condition of employment, all certified applicants will be required to sign a statement of understanding, District Form 510, to insure compliance with this District Policy and Procedure. 

3.1.2. Administrators should consider writing skill and ability as part of the selection process. Administrators are encouraged to obtain as much information as possible about all highly qualified applicants, i.e. reviewing resumes, transcripts, and applications; contacting former employers, school instructors, and personal references; and interviewing applicants are among the best methods to identify the most suitable selectees. 

3.1.3. After careful screening, the administrator will inform appropriate District staff of the selection. 

3.1.4. The Human Resource Director or designee will contact the selectee, inform him/her of the tentative selection, and schedule an appointment for the writing assessment. 

3.2. Writing Assessment Administration

3.2.1. The Human Resource Director or his designee will administer the writing assessment. 

3.2.2. When the selectee reports to the HR Department, a staff member will give her/him the cover sheet and paper, identify a suitable location, explain the one-hour time limitation, and answer applicable questions. 

3.2.3. When finished, the Human Resource Director or designee will attach the coversheet to the writing assessment and forward it for evaluation. 

3.3. Evaluation and professional development: (reference District Policy 1430, 1450, and 1900)

3.3.1. Each District evaluator must have a Utah State approved endorsement in English and teaching experience that demonstrates mastery of writing knowledge, skill, and ability.

3.3.2. Evaluators serve in "at-will" status and receive an extra duty assignment stipend. 

3.3.3. Writing assessments are evaluated on the cover sheet, District Form 511, for content, organization, voice, word choice, sentence effectiveness, and writing mechanics. District evaluators identify areas of weakness and strength on the coversheet and make appropriate notations for administrative follow-up. 

3.3.4. Scored evaluations are returned to the District Human Resource Director. The top page of the coversheet is appropriately filed for follow-up review, and a copy of the coversheet and the actual writing sample is sent to the assigned principal/administrator. 

3.3.5. In the case of a poor evaluation, the principal/administrator must review the results of the evaluation with the educator. Together the administrator and the educator will develop an appropriate writing improvement plan. Failure on the part of the educator to demonstrate substantial writing skill improvement, as determined by his or her principal, may be used as the basis for non-renewal of a contract. Re-evaluation may be required to demonstrate progress. 

3.3.6. The Human Resource Director will send a follow-up reminder to the assigned principal of a newly hired educator that received a poor evaluation. A poor evaluation is appropriately "flagged" by the evaluator. 

3.3.7. An educator with a writing improvement plan must report efforts and progress to his or her principal. Principals, in turn, are required to provide feedback to the District by January 31 of each year. The Human Resource Director will make an annual report to the Board during closed session.

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