No student, staff member or school visitor is permitted to use any
tobacco product or electronic cigarette at any time, including
non-school hours:
2.1.1. in any building, facility, or vehicle owned, leased, rented or chartered by the Washington County School District;
2.1.2. in private vehicles located on school parking lots or District property;
2.1.3. on any school
grounds or District property – including athletic fields and
parking lots –owned leased, rented or chartered by the Washington
County School District; or
2.1.4. at any school-sponsored or school-related event on-campus or off-campus.
2.2. In addition, school
district employees, school volunteers, contractors or other persons
performing services on behalf of the school district also are
prohibited from using tobacco products or electronic cigarettes at any time while on duty and in
the presence of students, either on or off school grounds.
2.3. Further, no student is
permitted to possess a tobacco product or electronic cigarette while in any school building,
while on school grounds or property or at any school-sponsored or
school –related event or at any other time that students are
under the authority of school personnel.
2.4. No student or staff
member is allowed to advertise with T-shirts, banners, or any other
media type tobacco or tobacco related products, including electronic cigarettes, on school or District
property, at functions, or in school publications.
2.5. Tobacco products may
be included in instructional or research activities in public school
buildings if the activity is conducted or supervised by the faculty
member overseeing the instruction or research and the activity does not
include smoking, chewing, or otherwise ingesting the tobacco product.
Definition of Tobacco Products and Tobacco Use -- For the purposes of
this policy, “tobacco product” is defined to include
cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars, blunts, bid is (filter-less cigarettes containing
tobacco and wrapped in nonporous leaves sold in a variety of flavors),
pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, and any other items containing or
reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products. “Tobacco
use” includes smoking, chewing, dipping, or any other use of
tobacco products.
3.2. Notification will be
posted in a manner and location that will adequately notify students,
staff and visitors of about the District Tobacco-Free Schools Policy.
Students and staff will also be made aware of the policy a meeting, an
assembly, or by written communication.
3.3. Enforcement for Students
Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary procedures
described in WCSD Policy 2110, Safe Schools. As an alternative,
district or school administration may allow the student to participate
in a tobacco awareness program. The student is required to demonstrate
s/he has obtained and read up-to-date information on the many
consequences of tobacco use; research, find, and enroll in a youth
tobacco cessation program; and show progress in a program or techniques
that help stop tobacco use.
3.3.2. Repeat violations will result in suspension or expulsion in accordance with WCSD Policy 2110.
3.4. Enforcement for Staff
and Visitors -- Consequences for employees who violate the tobacco use
policy will be in accordance with WCSD Policy 1450,
Discipline and Termination and will include possible verbal warning, written reprimand, or termination.
3.4.1. Visitors to the District facilities must comply with regulations set forth by this policy:
3.4.2. Smoking or the use
of tobacco products or electronic cigarettes by visitors is prohibited. This includes activities
during non-school hours and all functions of the school, athletic or
otherwise. This also includes activities sponsored by other
organizations that use District property.
3.4.3. Visitors found in
violation of this policy will be informed of the school’s
tobacco-free policy and will be asked by the appropriate school
official to refrain from smoking or tobacco use, including electronic cigarette use, while on District
property. If the visitors do not comply, they will be asked to leave.
If they refuse to leave, law enforcement officers will be contacted to
escort the person off the premises, take appropriate legal action, or
cite the person for trespassing.
3.4.4. Subsequent violations by the same individual may result in a referral to the local law enforcement.
3.5. Opportunities for
Cessation -- Students, employees, visitors, and patrons are encouraged
to seek assistance to abstain from the use of tobacco products. (Southwest Center Prevention Services 634-5604)
3.6. Prevention Education
-- The administration may consult with appropriate health organizations
to identify and provide programs or opportunities for students to gain
a greater understanding of the health hazards of tobacco use and the
impact of tobacco use as it relates to providing a safe, orderly, clean and inviting school environment.
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Distribution: Board Members, Superintendent, Associations, Assistant Superintendents, Administrators and Principals.